Site Inspection Software
Digital Paperless Site Inspections
Today, many of the site inspection tasks are still handled manually with paperwork, which can lead to checklists being misplaced, reports getting lost, and high administrative costs.
Luckily, site inspection software offers a solution. It transforms the mountains of paperwork into a streamlined and cost-efficient system. With this technology, we can enhance the quality of our inspections and save money.
Sometimes, the most dangerous risks go unnoticed. That’s why site inspections are essential. By carefully examining the workplace, we can proactively identify and eliminate hazards before they lead to accidents.
Custom Work Site Inspections
Utilizing inspection software, customize site inspection checklists effortlessly. Design unlimited lists with various items (e.g. lighting, noise, ventilation, cables, extinguishers, PPE, etc.). Categorize items based on Environment, Ergonomics, Electrical, Hazardous Materials, Housekeeping, or any specific categories required for your site. The digital inspection allows for checkboxes, dropdown lists, Likert scales, date and time stamps, open text fields, electronic signatures, and even image and video uploads.
You can adjust the thoroughness of the inspection, from simply checking off items as they’re inspected to providing detailed descriptions or images. Enhance the process with hidden fields and logic that reveal certain fields only if a safety issue is found.
Once created, assign inspection checklists to employees by company role, location, or individual. The software also offers scheduling and recurring inspections based on your company’s specific intervals.

Digital Storage
When you shift your site inspections online, the need for pens, paper, and clipboards vanishes. Instead, workers can employ tablets or their smartphones to complete inspections directly in the field. This enables them to save their progress, ensuring that no data gets lost along the way.
With the right setup, workers can leave comments on identified hazards and include images and videos for a more accurate representation of their findings.
Additionally, workers can electronically sign the inspection form, and their signatures are securely stored alongside the form for record-keeping purposes. The software allows for immediate submission and processing of inspection forms, which can then be sent to designated evaluators for review, approval, or further action. You can even configure the form to trigger notifications to specific personnel when certain fields are selected or completed.
Reporting & Analytics
When inspections are done, the data and analytics collected are extremely valuable for your company. By using inspection software, you can gather all the data from completed inspections and create reports in Excel within minutes. In order to collate this data using paper and filing cabinets, the process would take much more time, energy, and money.
All the records are stored in your own secure cloud environment, which can be accessed by authorized personnel anywhere without the risk of losing them. Advanced reporting features allow you to analyze trends in the data and identify areas where your sites may be falling behind or where safety hazards exist.

Ready to Begin?
Online Inspections can help reduce risks by organizing the data into easy-to-read information leaders can use to predict trends and adjust protocols. Our Digital Forms system makes it easy for team members to perform proper examinations. For pricing information, please visit our Contact Us page to receive a personalized estimate for any required module.
Start using this system in three simple steps.
Step 1 - Get in Touch with Our Team
If you're ready to utilize Online Inspections, contact our team to express your interest. They will address any queries and initiate the process.
Step 2 - Launch Your Custom Branded Portal
We can design a branded portal for your forms, automated workflows, reporting, and more, inspired by your company's colours and assets.
Step 3 - Professional Onboarding
Our dedicated onboarding specialists will guide your business through understanding and utilizing the BIStrainer system effectively.
Retire Your Filing Cabinet
Ready to see the power of this cutting-edge software that can revolutionize your workplace inspections? Request a demo today and discover the next level of efficiency!