Online Exam Tool

Exams and Assessments -
Our online assessment tool is an invaluable resource for individuals and groups. It offers a convenient and secure way to administer a variety of evaluations, including pre-training and post-training tests, pre-hire assessments, and technical exams.
With our evaluation tool, you can customize each evaluation by creating question pools and randomizing the order of questions and answers.
Whether you need to score specific questions or conduct a survey, our tool provides various question formats for different situations.
All evaluations are completed online, instantly marked, and stored for easy review. This saves time and money compared to manual administration and allows for quick retrieval and review of results through a cloud-based storage system. Managing evaluations for multiple people in different locations is now made easy.
Long Answer Exam Questions
Finding user-friendly long-answer exam software can be difficult, but incorporating long-answer questions into your online training assessments remains valuable.
With BIStrainer, you can effortlessly include long answer questions and have them automatically graded by qualified managers or employees.
BIStrainer offers a comprehensive software solution that allows you to upload both multiple-choice and long-answer questions onto a single, intuitive exam platform.
Enhanced Features
Varied Questions
Efficiently create personalized assessments using our convenient feature that generates randomized questions. Include open-ended queries effortlessly.
Virtual Monitoring
Guarantee secure exam access by ensuring that the right individual completes it.
Timed Tests
Set time limits for online exams with our built-in timer, encouraging users to complete them within the allocated duration.
Shuffled Answers
Randomize the order of answer options for each question to discourage cheating and enhance result integrity.
Question Categories
Organize evaluation questions into distinct sections based on training topics, competency groups, or other parameters.
Section Grading
Ensure students attain the required passing mark in each section before progressing to the next stage.
Response Feedback
Offer valuable feedback after each response, helping users identify their strengths and areas for improvement.
Effortless Excel Upload
Utilize our user-friendly Excel template and uploader to swiftly upload hundreds of questions at once.
More Automated Features
Remote Exam Monitoring
Conduct exams remotely on any device using advanced biometric technology to verify student identity.
Automated Scoring
The BIStrainer system calculates the overall score by evaluating multiple-choice and long-answer responses, comparing it to the passing threshold to determine certificate eligibility.
Exam Software
The integrated exam software enables various question types, including multiple-choice, multi-select, True/False, fill-in-the-blank, and interactive drag-and-drop activities.
Students who achieve a passing grade will receive an instantly generated certificate with their name, date, result, expiry, and signatures.
Ready to Begin?
The Online Exam Engine is a tool used alongside our Digital Forms system for evaluating individuals. It simplifies the process of conducting exams for students, colleagues, and workers. By combining the Online Exam Tool with our Learning Management System, you can efficiently assess both individuals and groups.

Getting Started with
Three Simple Steps
Step 1 - Get in Touch
If you're ready to utilize the Online Exam Engine, contact our team. They'll address any questions and initiate the process.
Step 2 - Launch Your Personalized Portal
We can create a custom branded portal for your forms, automated workflows, reporting, and more, inspired by your company's colours and assets.
Step 3 - Professional Onboarding
Our dedicated onboarding specialists will guide your business in fully understanding and utilizing the BIStrainer system.
Get Started!
Tired of using energy on things that can be automated like exam evaluations? Our secure online evaluation tool handles exams, assessments, and surveys for you.