Course Owners
Market Your eLearning Content to the Masses

There are many advantages to the Course Owner program including:
- Access to a large, growing network of partner sites
- Thousands of new potential customers
- BIS network partners share links to your courses on their websites
- Royalties on every sale
- Promotion of your company on our website
- Detailed monthly sales reports
Do you have a course in PowerPoint form, a facilitator guide, or a classroom course which would be great online?
Do you already have an online course developed?
We can help make your course online and available on your website and potentially hundreds of our partner sites.
Using the power of the BIStrainer Network Partnership, we can add your course to hundreds of training company websites, exposing it to tens of thousands of potential customers.
If you have content that you would like developed into an online course, read more about our course development services.
Frequently Asked Questions
We've compiled a list of answers to common questions.
We only act as a developer and distributor for your courses; you maintain all intellectual property rights for your content and online course.
Sales for each course can vary greatly. Industry standard courses like WHMIS and Transportation of Dangerous Goods typically sell extremely well, while sales for non-essential, non-mainstream courses can vary greatly.
As a Course Owner, you are notified via email each time someone completes your course. You also receive detailed monthly usage reports for all of your course sales.
At the end of each month, a report is generated for your company. You receive a credit each time your course is sold through one of the network partners. These credits will be paid in 30 days.
The fee structure is dependant on how many of your courses are sold in a given month. As a Course Owner, every time any of our Network Partners sell your course you get a percentage of the revenue, the Network Partner gets a percentage, and BIS receives a percentage.
To discuss more specific fees and revenue structures, please contact our customer care team who can provide additional details and specifics as they may relate to your company.
Typically course development costs range from $40,000 to $60,000 for a high-quality course, which includes editing of your course content, storyboard creation, onsite photography and videography, image selection, course design, animations, interactive activities, knowledge checks, final exams, and much more.




















Get Started as a Course Owner on the Network
Start enjoying the many benefits and opportunities of being a reseller on our network. Offer over 1,500 online courses available to your customers. They already trust your brand, now you can give them even more value.